Major Wars

Hematic Wars

The hematic wars were the conflicts that started and ended the hematic era.

First Hematic War

The first hematic war was started by Ethrenal in Daithia as an attempt to commit genocide against all non-Ashenal.

Second Hematic War

The second hematic war was started by Obsidis after her victory against Ethrenal. This was a successful genocide committed against all non-humans.

Pre-Theocracy Obsidian Conquests

Holy Obsidian Theocracy Conquests

Daithian Independence

In 1579 OA the Obsidian colonies in Daithia declared war on the Holy Obsidian Theocracy in a bid to gain independence. This revolution was successful and the colonies formed a new nation.

Daithia-Sangura War

United Daithia fought against Obsidia-controlled Sangura for several years, but Sangura's revolution led to a ceasefire, which lasted until the war was officially ended years later.

Sanguran Independence