
The continent of Daithia (adj. Daithian) fell mostly in the southern hemisphere, with its southwestern region existing opposite Lothia. This point opposite Lothia was the epicenter of Caer's Mistake.

Pre-Continental Islands

Initial Settlement

Hematic Wars

Ethrenal spent most of his life in Daithia, first as a teacher of mages, then as a genocidal tyrant.


Later Colonization

After being uninhabited by any anthropoids for centuries, the Holy Obsidian Theocracy re-discovered the continent and began to colonize it. The eastern habitable zone followed the coast, and was bordered to the west by vast and arid plains of silt. Pioneers would travel west, but the population remained mostly on the east coast until well after United Daithia gained independence.

Independence from Obsidia

The previously-Obsidian colonies on Daithia declared independence, and after the war of independence formed United Daithia in 1589 OA.

Western Frontier

Though the silt plains were not fit for mass settlement, some would traverse them to form frontier communities. Past the harshest stretch of the plains, there was a semi-arid region before the Westcolumn mountains where most of these communities were built. Or rather, this is where the lasting communities were built.

Miasma Tombs

In 1654 OA, the first of these was discovered near the town of Thunderperch in the foothills of the Westcolumn mountains. When unidentified interlopers began killing archaeologists and people who spent time in and near the tomb started getting sick, DTX sent fixers to Thunderperch to make the planned route of the railroad safe to travel.