
Water, land, and air travel evolved alongside magic. At the height of magical progress, large-scale teleportation was possible as well.


Toward the end of the oceanic era (relatively speaking) the Ashenal first sailing ships. Various magics were used to improve the sailing experience, such as controlling the weather or purifying water.

With catabolic magic arcane engines could be imbued with perpetual spells that released miasma These were used to build faster ships that didn't rely on the wind.

Land travel

The Ashenal used animal-pulled carts far back into the oceanic era. Some shamanic magic enabled rudimentary communication with animals, improving this method of transportation.

Thetic magic enabled quicker and stronger construction of vehicles, in addition to enchantment power.

Phrenic magic was used for long-distance travel. Mages would use phrenic magic to rotate a crank, which propelled the vehicle forward. This required constant active attention, but mages could switch out over the course of the journey.

Railroads were built that carried trains powered by the same arcane engines that catabolic magic-based ships used.

During the anabatic era steam engines saw widespread use starting in the late 1500s OA.


Mages could manage short bursts of flight, especially if aided by a mechanical glider, for as far back as the shamanic era. However, it wasn't until the arcane engines that powered ships and trains were repurposed to lift and propel blimps that aircraft saw widespread use.


Short-range teleportation was possible with shamanic magic. Thetic magic enabled teleportation to marked locations, even across subconduits. Phrenic magic did not particularly advance the state of the art, but catabolic magic made it possible to open enormous portals that entire vessels could pass through.