Obsidis (Mortal)

Magic is the great solvent of society. In its presence, all structure is lost, and what was solid and ordered becomes fluid chaos.

Obsidis was a human who played a key part in ending the first hematic war and started the second hematic war. After the second hematic war ended, she continued to gain power, eventually achieving apotheosis and becoming the deity of obsidism, the state religion of the Holy Obsidian Theocracy.

Mortal Life

Before the hematic wars, Obsidis was a mage who studied theoretical arcane concepts involving the mixing of thetic and catabolic magic. In her academic pursuits, she achieved what had only been possible for deities: she could grant power to others such that their spells would not produce miasma. She accumulated a certain amount of power ahead of time, which produced miasma, then that power could be used by her or others at a later time without any additional miasma being produced.


For information on Obsidis post-apotheosis, see Obsidis (Deity).