
Any medium in which stuff exists has internal motion. Such media and stuff include space and matter, the mental dimension and thought, the astral dimension and time, and the etheric dimension and energy. Flux refers to the internal motion, and this motion is what causes the stuff to exist. 2 important phenomena to be aware of in regard to flux are conduction and induction.


The type of Flux is sometimes referred to by its medium, and sometimes by its s tuff, depending on context. For example, spatial flux and matter flux are the same thing, but spatial flux makes more sense when talking about media.


Matter is the flow of space. Everything that exists within conduits and out in the astral dimension in any physical form is spatial flux.


Energy is the flow of the etheric dimension, which is part of what makes life possible. Without energy, everything would be frozen and lifeless.


Time is the flow of the astral dimension. Because the mental, astral, and etheric dimensions all flow time-forward, it appears that time doesn't pass while in any of these dimensions, with aging, hunger, and other signs of time not presenting. Only within conduits, which are sort-of frozen in place relative to this flux, does time pass.


Thought is the flow of the mental dimension. The mental dimension is tightly bound to the astral dimension, which is why dreams and thoughts can influence the structure of the astral dimension.


Black Holes

The flux of the astral dimension through certain conduit structures induces spatial flux within the conduit, causing a phenomenon where the conduit wall exerts a gravitational force so strong that everything, even light, that gets close enough will be pulled onto the etheric projection plane. As matter approaches the conduit wall, time becomes infinitely dilated. Time cannot be dilated infinitely without the astral flux going somewhere, as that would cause an infinite accumulation of aether. The astral flux feeds into aether flux, which feeds back into the conduit and can be observed within the conduit as Hawking Radiation. Additionally, matter cannot be compacted infinitely without somewhere for the spatial flux to go. This spatial flux moves time-forward with the astral and aether flux, forming a current that accelerates directly to the void. As such, all matter that has ever and will ever fall into a black hole is deposited in one of the layers of spacetime approaching the void.


The direction of one type of flux tends to influence the direction of other types of flux in superspatial proximity. This phenomenon is known as coherence.


Conduction refers to the control of flux via interruption, like big rocks in a stream. Conduits conduct spatial flux and astral flux. Matter can conduct spatial flux in certain circumstances. Anything that conducts flux also has some amount of resistance to its flow, causing small eddy currents. These eddy currents introduce small amounts of chaos and contribute to the uniqueness of every universe.


Flux in one medium can induce flux in another, or in a nearby portion of the same medium. These are known as external induction and internal induction.

External Induction

Flux in one medium can induce flux in a corresponding area (an area in superspatial proximity) in another. The prime example of this is induction between astral flux and aether flux, which gives rise to the entire multiverse. In fact, the chaotic astral flux coming from the origin is time, which produces aether flux and pushes it time-forward, giving rise to the phenomenon of energy. Aether flux induces currents in the mental dimension, which in turn induce spatial flux, or matter. Mental flux itself makes possible the phenomenon of consciousness. The combination of these 4 is what yields our material experience of energy, matter, time, and thought.

Internal Induction

Flux can induce flux in a nearby portion of the same medium across a barrier of a different medium. This is observed in induced space, where the flux in one subconduit shapes the flux of another subconduit in superspatial proximity.


An opening in a conduit wall can create a venturi. If there is a difference in flow rate of the same type of flux on either side, one dimension will pull bits of the other through. This is what causes dimensions to "leak through" portals and change the area around them.


Small subconduits sometimes extend past the boundary of the parent conduit and into another conduit, forming a via. This causes the dimension of the subconduit to appear in multiple conduits.