
Godclime was a physical representation of the multiverse that was created in order to communicate about the multiverse between beings that had limited perception of everything. It was a lingua franca of reality, so to speak. The origin cliffs towered far above, unreachable by even deities. A waterfall spilled over, down to a pool below. At the center of this pool lay an island, shaded by a great central tree. Water flowed out of the pool, splitting into infinite rivers. All rivers eventually met the voidsea, forming estuaries and tidal pools. Every river was part of the etheric dimension, and the land between them was the astral dimension. To the sky was the mental dimension. Tiny streams that split from the rivers of infinity were self-contained universes, conduits.

The Great Tree

The great tree was home to the multiverse's deities. The trees roots reached far, only shying away from the voidsea's brine. The roots soaked up water, with souls of dead mortals. The tree lived off this water, and the deities drank from its sap, filtering out the souls and delivering them to afterlives.

Other names: The Golden Cypress, Yggdrasil


Deities built afterlives as structures atop the etheric dimension's soil, reaching up into the mental dimension.

The Voidsea

Reaching the voidsea was next to impossible for mortals and deities alike. Astral beasts known as wanderers roamed the land beyond the reach of the great tree's roots, with greater and greater beasts living closer to the shore and farther from the great tree. Minute amounts of the ocean's salt could power undeath, but the estuaries and tidal pools were toxic to all things of the tree and the rivers. That which could approach would be caught by the crashing waves and trapped in a tidal pool for eternity.