Dimension Types

Subconduits can exhibit varying physical properties. Some are similar to ordinary physics, and some are quite bizarre.

Standard 4-Manifold (S4M)

A Standard 4-Manifold is a type of space with 4 dimensions, 3 of space and 1 of time. More specifically, Standard 4-Manifold is used to refer to a quantum relativistic (3,1) Lorentz manifold, exhibiting the standard physical laws of real life, or a superset of them. Most conduits contain at least 1 Standard 4-Manifold.

Core Dimension

The Core Dimension of a conduit is the one accessible from outside the conduit. It is usually the largest and most stable subconduit. The Core Dimension is usually a Standard 4-Manifold.

Induced Space

Induced space is the result of induction, the phenomenon where the flow of space on one side of a conduit wall imitates flow on the other, causing a similar layout of space, planets, and even geography.

Projected Space

Projected space is akin to a 2-dimensional image of a 3d object. Projected space most often exists on conduit walls. Someone could travel to a projected space, and from their perspective they would still be in standard space, but they would be able to move through matter and no one in the standard space would be able to see them.