The Unfathomable Night

The Unfathomable Night was an S4M induced space characterized by death and dread. The geography was similar to the core dimension's planet of Abrecis, but lying on a flat plane. The center of this dimension was a dilated space full of darkness known as The Depths. The edge was bounded by an esoteric geography of stone and ice, always reshaping to push travelers back toward the center. After Obsidis' apotheosis, Ethrenal was imprisoned in The Depths by her. The sky was constantly a dark gray, and structures of concrete and glass were infested with demons and shadows, ready to eviscerate any mortals unfortunate enough to take shelter there from the chilling wind. The barren ground was only stone, gravel, and more concrete. Nothing lived and nothing grew.

The Tolmaren plucked spirits of the dead from Abrecis and deposited them in the unfathomable night where they became warped, changing into wraiths and other monsters. The Great Sealing prevented any further connection to the core dimension.