
Glassvale was an S4M induced space with geography that loosely mimicked the core dimension's planet of Abrecis. The landscape constantly shifted and arranged itself in impossible geometries, making navigation by those not from Glassvale nearly impossible. Every location appeared, from that perspective, to be within the nadir of a valley, walled in by lushly forested mountains. Day and night did not cycle at a specific rate, but rather changed with the mood of the denizens. Glassvale could be accessed from the core dimension via dolmens.


Dolmens were a type of grave built out of stone in the shape of a portal or doorway, with the remains buried in the dirt below. In ancient Abrecis, particularly during the pantheistic era, dolmens were the standard method of burial in order to provide the spirits of the dead with easy access to Glassvale. Occasionally, spirits would travel through dolmens from Glassvale to the core dimension.

Major Locations


Ys was the largest and grandest city in Glassvale, sprawling across an oblong lake running through the valley and spending most of its time in late evening, highly active with mirth and celebration. A large portion of the city existed underwater, and this part was known as Old Ys or Sunken Ys. Built atop was a city above the surface of the water, known as High Ys or Arisen Ys.


Listenoise was a harsh wasteland in perpetual night, filled with vengeful, corrupted, and otherwise dangerous spirits. At the center was The Carbon Spire, an imposing black monolith tall enough to cut through clouds. There were rumors that the spire existed simultaneously in Glassvale and the core dimension, but it was never located on Abrecis.


Annun was a small fishing village on a misty shoreline. It was not possible to see far from the shore, but occasionally the mist over the ocean would clear long enough to glimpse one of Annun's islands: Avalon, Hy-Bresail, and Thule. These 3 islands were never in the same place each time they appeared.


Avalon was a temperate rain-forest island ruled my Morgan, Queen of Fairies. The island is perpetually in early summer. Morgan took a boat to Annun when the mists were clear in order to invite spirits to Avalon. Those invited were typically leaders, mages, or other achievers while mortal.


Hy-Bresail was primarily moorland, checkered with wetlands. It was ruled by 3 sisters: Danu, Bahnb, and Mechanna. Violence was common on Hy-Bresail, as a result of the island's pervasive culture of valor and honor. Spirits who wished to spend their days doing battle would voyage to the island from Annun.


Thule was flat in most of its central area, but mountainous nearer the shore, creating striking cliffs abutting the ocean. The island was heavily forested with a variety of coniferous and deciduous trees.


During the first hematic war, Ethrenal had dolmens across the planet destroyed, sealing Glassvale off from Abrecis.