Undead (Polyphyletic Group)

Informally, undead included much more than Necrobiota, such as all types of vampires and zombies.

Component Taxa

This group included many distinct and unrelated taxa.

Incorporia Animated Undead

Creatures or corpses of creatures may be possessed or animated by a member of Incorporia.

Physically Animated Undead

This category included corpses animated by machinery, as well as any creature modified by some mechanism or substance in a way that superficially resembles a corpse.

Parasite and Pathogen Animated Undead

It is very common for a host creature of a parasite or pathogen to be considered undead, especially if some or all of the host's biotic processes are replaced. This type of undead can include creatures that have their central nervous system hijacked by a single individual of a parasitic species. Prions, viruses, bacteria, and single-celled eukaryotes can all act as pathogens in this category. Funguses, plants, and animals are all potential parasites in this category.

Parasites and pathogens that a host could feasibly recover from were generally not included in this category.

True Undead

True Undead refers to members of Necrobiota. Necrobiota Umbra were not always included in the informal undead group.