
Gridspace was a 6-dimensional Lorentz Manifold in the Softlight Earth conduit, and the only subconduit other than the core dimension. All 6 dimensions were space-like, but 2 of them were related to time. For clarity, the following list describes the behaviors of the dimensions:

  • 1-4. Standard space, just a higher dimensional version of our 3-dimensional space.
  • 5. The "record" dimension, which could be spatially traversed to retrieve every previous value of the information field. Previous values could not be altered, but information could be added to this dimension by modifying the information field
  • 6. The "time-size" dimension. This dimension behaved like the other spatial dimensions, but grew in size as time passed in the core dimension.

Gridspace did not have the same forces or fields that the core dimension did. Instead, it had the information field, which was quantized into information-like wave packets called informatrons. Force carriers of this field were called computrons.